Books on Stained Glass
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Books on Stained Glass

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Stained Glass is a method of making windows, lamp-shades, boxes, and other projects using pieces of coloured glass or glass that has been flashed or enamelled with color. These pieces are fitted into channels in a lead strip or fitted together using copper or cement. The earliest stained glass windows were in churches and there are some still existing that were made nearly a thousand years ago (for example in Augsburg Cathedral).

For more information on our selection of books below, click on the book cover or title. We have included recent books as well as some classic favourites. Good hunting!

Decorative stained glass designs Making Stained Glass Lamps The Stained Glass Garden Stained Glass for Dummies 40 Stained Glass Projects Stained Glass Handbook Stained glass boxes Basic Stained glass Gothic Stained glass Leaded glass Medieval Stained glass Stained glass Origins Stained glass CD and book Stained glass CD Stained glass Step by Step 1000 Yrs of Stained glass Stained glass projects book Stained glass basics book Chicago stained glass book Tiffany windows Glass book Stained glass course book Stained glass book Tiffany lamps book

Making Stained Glass Lamps by Michael Johnston, Dec 2009.
The Stained Glass Garden by George W. Shannon and Pat Torlen, April 2006.
Stained Glass for Dummies by Vicki Payne (Nov 2010).
40 Stained Glass Projects by Michael Johnston, (Feb 2012).
Stained Glass Handbook by Sam Halstead,(Jan 2013).
Stainedglassboxes.jpg by Ed Sibbett Jr, (Oct 2011).
Decorative Stained Glass Designs by Louise Mehaffey (March 2013).
Stained Glass and the Victorian Gothic Revival (Studies in Design and Material Culture) by Jim Cheshire, March 2005.
Traditional Leaded Glass Crafting : Projects & Techniques Vicki Payne, March 2005.
Images in Light and Line: The Stained Glass Designs and Prints of Dirk Vellert (Ars Nova, 4) by E. Konowitz, Feb 2013.
Traditional and Contemporary Stained Glass Designs (Dover Electronic Clip Art) by Joel Wallach (Editor), March 2004. A book and CD of stained glass designs.
Stained Glass: Projects and Patterns by George Shannon and Pat Torlen. 128 pages with step-by-step instructions including photos and detailed advice on making a series of stained glass projects.
Stained Glass Basics: Techniques, tools, projects (Aug 97) by Chris Rich. 128 pages of well-presented photographs and instructions that show how enjoyable it is to work with stained glass. If stained glass is your hobby or your career, this book is a must.
Tiffany Windows: Stained Glass Pattern Book (Dec 97) Connie Clough Eaton.
The Complete Stained Glass Course (Sept 96) by Marc S. Gerstein. 160 pages with a brief history of stained glass and step-by-step guidance with advice on tools and techniques.
Stained Glass: guide to todays Tiffany Copper Foil techniques (July 94) by Kay Bain Weiner. The Tiffany copper foil techniques, which facilitate more complex patterns than the older lead-based techniques, are explained in this book designed as a complete course.
Stained Glass: How to make stunning Stained Glass items using modern materials and traditional techniques (Jan 96) by Marc S. Gerstein. A Contemporary Crafts book covering eleven stained glass projects.
Tiffany Style Stained Glass Lampshades (Jun 93) by Connie Clough Eaton. A book of designs for making Tiffany-style lampshades.
Scottish Stained Glass (Dec 98) by Michael Donnelly. Highly recommended book in the Discovering Historic Scotland Series.

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