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Frank L Fenton and his brother John founded the Fenton Art Glass Co in 1905 in Martins Ferry Ohio, initially as a glass decorating company. In January 1907 the company moved to its newly-built glassworks in Williamstown and began making its own glass. One of the first to make Carnival Glass, Fenton flourished and survived all the ups and downs of the depression years and the war years, and was a thriving business for over 100 years. The company restructured in 2007 in the hope it would survive for many more years.

For more information on our selection of books below, click on the book cover or title. We have included recent books as well as some classic favourites. Good hunting!

Candlewick Crystal 2012 Candlewick Coloured 2003 Rare Imperial Glass 2008 Imperial Milk Glass Slag and Marble Glass Imperial Lace Edge 2004 Imperial Cape Cod Pattern 2004 Imperial milk glass Imperial Carnival Glass book Imperial Glass Encyclopedia vol. 1 Imperial book 2 Imperial glass book 3 Imperial Glass Catalogs by Archer Imperial Catalog 66A

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INFORMATION about Pirelli Glass!
A new book on Pirelli Glass. This is the second part of the London Lampworkers Trilogy covering Pirelli Glass.

And if you didn't read the first part of this Trilogy, you can take a look here:

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